FRISCO, TEXAS—June 13, 2019—Teltech Communications, LLC (dba Teltech Group) recently won an award to design and build ten Solar Power Plants for Rio Blanco County, Colorado to support their implementation of a high bandwidth fixed wireless network.

The award will help Rio Blanco County work toward their vison of building a world class destination for tourism and an ideal place to raise and educate a family. “This design-build solar power order is part of Teltech’s commitment to deliver innovative power solutions to meet the needs of remote, off-grid and temporary locations,” said Lisa Hanlon, Chief Executive Officer of Teltech. “It demonstrates Teltech’s ability to design and build critical solar powered infrastructure.” These ten Solar Power Plants were designed and are being built out of Teltech’s Grand Junction, Colorado facility.

Rio Blanco County is a remote and mountainous part of northwestern Colorado. The area is known for the White River National Forest and the Flat Tops Wilderness area (so designated by the United States government) and is ideal for utilizing a solar power alternative to provide energy.

“The terrain of our county makes solar power the perfect energy source to meet our growing energy demands,” said Jeff Rector, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. “The solution offered by Teltech Communications provided us the perfect answer to meet our requirements and needs.”

Teltech Communications, LLC is a leading provider of mission-critical, mobile solar power for local governments, oil and gas field services, telecom and emergency response situations. The solar power plants provide a unique way to reduce costs and service remote areas with minimal site construction work and speed to deployment.

About Teltech Communications

Since 1999, Teltech Group has been delivering creative solutions to help solve their client’s business challenges. The Evolving Technology Solutions Division offers off-grid powered electrical generation systems and fuel cell options for telecom, oil and gas and other off-grid uses, as well as unmanned drone inspections for tower maintenance, special events or disasters/emergencies and Cell on Wings (COW) solutions. The company also provides telecom products, asset management and logistics and resource support services to its diverse customer base in the commercial marketplace.

Contact Information

Craig Freeman

