Equipment Sales

Teltech is a leading provider of cutting-edge network technologies and solutions. We understand every network configuration is unique, so we offer a diverse range of products to meet your specific needs.

Contact us today at to explore our wide range of solutions and let Teltech be your trusted partner in building a resilient and efficient network infrastructure.

Click here to access equipment lists, line card and catalogs

Looking to consign your unused inventory or refurbished parts? Teltech Group’s expertise in The 5 R’s: Reuse/Redeploy, Refurbish, Resell and Recycle, provides profitable solutions for valuing and processing your excess and over supply of parts and equipment. Our clients have realized remarkable bottom-line results through this solution:

  • More than 142 million pounds of landfill avoidance
  • More than $750 million Capex reduction
  • More than $55 million resale/recycling
Equipment lists, line card and catalogs
